This call for papers can be downloaded as pdf document.
We encourage submissions of novel and previously unpublished contributions in areas including, but not limited to, the following:
In addition to research papers, we also solicit music submissions, late-breaking/demo submissions, tutorial proposals, and exhibits. More details on each category are provided below.
May 15 | ||
May 15 | ||
May 22 | ||
July 15 | ||
August 19 | ||
September 5 | ||
October 24-28 | ISMIR 2011 |
All papers will be peer-reviewed according to their novelty, technical content, presentation, and contribution to the overall balance of topics and disciplines represented at ISMIR 2011. Paper submissions should satisfy the following conditions:
In ISMIR2011 reviews will be doubly-blinded; that is, authors and reviewers will be anonymous to each other. To ensure this please keep the author list as appearing in the text and avoid excessive reference to your own work.
Uniform Paper Status
Note that although authors can indicate preference for oral or poster presentation upon submission, final scheduling to an oral or poster session remains at the discretion of the organizing committee. The presentation format has no relation to the reviewer judgment of paper quality and will be determined after the acceptance judgement.
Three awards will be given as part of ISMIR 2011: the best paper award, the best student paper award, and the best presentation award. The presentation award will have two subcategories, oral and poster, which will be selected by votes collected during the conference.
Poster Session
All poster sessions, excluding the late-breaking/demo session on Friday, the 28th will be held in the Regency Ballroom. For the late-breaking/demo session, the venue will be the Promenade Ballroom. Each poster will be allocation an area in the room, with a board marked with its poster ID on an easel. The dimension of a poster board is 36in by 48in (or 48in by 36in if used in landscape mode). A presenter will be responsible for removing his/her poster at the conclusion of its session.
The first day of the conference (October 24) will consist of parallel sessions of half-day tutorials each concentrating on a single topic and lasting about 3 hours, including a break. The tutorials are presented either at an introductory level or in depth and are intended to provide an informative and stimulating coverage of current topics in MIR and beyond. Tutorial proposals should consist of a 1–4 page abstract including the following:
The proposals should be submitted as a PDF attachment via email to ismir2011-tutorials@ismir.net by March 31, 2011.
Acceptance/rejection decisions will be made by the ISMIR 2011 Conference Committee and will be notified by April 30. The decision will depend on criteria including relevance, suitability, originality, and expertise of the presenter(s).
A special session during ISMIR 2011 will be dedicated to the presentation of late-breaking research results and demonstration of applications that are of interest to the MIR community. Abstracts will be published online, but will not have an associated paper published in the conference proceedings. Accepted work will be designated as poster-only presentations, with the option to present a demonstration at the poster session.
Late-breaking / demo submissions will be reviewed on extended abstracts of one page (preferred) or two pages (maximum). If there is a demonstration component, the submission must make this clear, the abstract must contain a section containing a brief explanation of what the demonstration will do and what the presentation requirements are. Abstract formatting must comply to the guidelines and templates for regular papers available at the ISMIR 2011 submission guidelines page.
*NOTE: Late-breaking/demo submissions do NOT need to be made anonymous.*
Submissions should made by Monday, September 5, 2011 on the late-breaking demos submission page. Should there be more submissions than allowed by the available presentation space, presentations that contribute to a balanced session will be given priority.
Throughout ISMIR 2011, space will be available for publishers, software companies, booksellers, service providers, system vendors, and any other businesses interested in exhibiting their MIRrelated products. Please contact ismir2011-exhibits@ismir.net by August 31 for more information.
We look forward to seeing you in Miami!
General Chair
Mitsunori Ogihara (University of Miami)
Program Chair
Anssi Klapuri (Queen Mary University of London)
Colby Leider (University of Miami)
Poster session instrunctions and information for local poster printing can be found in news.
The PDF files of ISMIR 2011 papers are now available in ISMIR 2011 program.
More information about registration can be found in ISMIR 2011 registration.
Late-breaking/demo submission system is now open. Details can be found in call for paper and submission. Deadline: Monday, September 5.
More details about ISMIR 2011 program can be found in ISMIR 2011 program.