Early registration [until Sep 4] |
Late registration [Sep 4 - Sep 20] |
Onsite registration (subject to availability) |
Student registration | $450 | $500 | $550 |
Regular registration | $625 | $700 | $750 |
Tutorials only | $80 per half-day tutorial | $100 | |
Additional banquet ticket | $130 | $150 |
Registration includes tutorials and one ticket to the conference banquet. The option of additional banquet tickets is for additional guests.
We require that each paper must be accompanied with a paid registration. One registration covers one paper. If you have more than one papers and NONE of your co-authors will register for your other papers, you need to pay $100 extra fee for each of your papers (except for the first of your papers) in the sense that every paper should share the printing and publication costs.
Lunch, reception, and banquet are complimentary (0 USD) for registered participants thanks to financial supports.
The one-year ISMIR membership fee is also included in the registration fee. An ISMIR member has voting privileges and is eligible to be an officer of the society.
In order to qualify for the student registration fee, you must provide your advisor's information (including name and email) in the online registration form at the time of registration.
For online registration, please go to our online registration page. Firefox and Chrome are highly encouraged when using online registration system.
For links to accommodation options, see the accommodation page.
You may cancel your registration by requesting a cancellation in writing to d.wang1@miami.edu by email or to 11200 SW 8 ST, Miami, FL 33199, USA by mail. In order to receive a refund, the request for cancellation must *be received* by ISMIR on or before 19 September 2011. If ISMIR receives your written request for cancellation on or before 19 September 2011, you will be refunded your registration fee less the cancellation fee of $50 (USD). If your cancellation request is received on or after 20 September 2011, you will not receive a refund.
For the privacy statement, please refer to privacy policy.
For any questions regarding the registration of ISMIR 2011 please contact the Registration Chair, Dingding Wang at d.wang1@miami.edu or 305-298-3529.
Poster session instrunctions and information for local poster printing can be found in news.
The PDF files of ISMIR 2011 papers are now available in ISMIR 2011 program.
More information about registration can be found in ISMIR 2011 registration.
Late-breaking/demo submission system is now open. Details can be found in call for paper and submission. Deadline: Monday, September 5.
More details about ISMIR 2011 program can be found in ISMIR 2011 program.