Late-breaking and demo submissions: https://www.softconf.com/c/ismir2011-lbd/
Paper submissions: https://www.softconf.com/c/ismir2011/
Music submissions: https://www.softconf.com/c/ismir2011music/
All papers will be peer-reviewed according to their novelty, technical content, presentation, and contribution to the overall balance of topics and disciplines represented at ISMIR 2011. Submitted papers must be no more than 6 pages long and must consist of original contributions.
Late-breaking/demo submissions will be reviewed on extended abstracts of one page (preferred) or two pages (maximum). If there is a demonstration component, the submission must make this clear, the abstract must contain a section containing a brief explanation of what the demonstration will do and what the presentation requirements are. Abstract formatting must comply to the guidelines and templates for regular papers.
*NOTE: Late-breaking/demo submissions do NOT need to be made anonymous.*
Please submit your paper in PDF format according to one of the following templates:
In ISMIR2011 reviews will be doubly-blinded; that is, authors and reviewers will be anonymous to each other. To ensure this please keep the author list as appearing in the text and avoid excessive reference to your own work.
Poster session instrunctions and information for local poster printing can be found in news.
The PDF files of ISMIR 2011 papers are now available in ISMIR 2011 program.
More information about registration can be found in ISMIR 2011 registration.
Late-breaking/demo submission system is now open. Details can be found in call for paper and submission. Deadline: Monday, September 5.
More details about ISMIR 2011 program can be found in ISMIR 2011 program.